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The Hydraulic works area includes feasibility studies for multi-purpose projects and for transposition of river basins, design of adduction systems, hydrological and sediment transport studies, basic and final designs and technical follow-up of works of dams, flood containment reservoirs, canals, dikes, tunnels, pipelines, hydraulic dimensioning of lifting stations, hydraulic and electromechanical dimensioning of equipment, studies of hydraulic transients, regularization of water courses, physical, hydraulic and computational models.

Integration Project of São Francisco River

Science, Applications and Space Technology Foundation -FUNCATE

Feasibility Studies of the Integration Project of the São Francisco River with hydrographic basins of the north-east of Brazil, totaling about 580 km of canals, 25 dams and 10 tunnels. The dams: 11 of rockfill with clayey core; three of CCRs; nine homogeneous ones of compacted soil; a homogeneous mixed soil compacted and CCR; and a mixed CCR and clayey-core rockfill. The feasibility studies were followed by the Basic Designs of Segments I and VI, constituted by 244 km of canals, aqueducts, tunnels, pipelines, lift stations and nine dams, totaling more than five million cubic meters, with heights varying from 20 to 50 m crest length up to 3,097 m.

Integration Project of São Francisco River – Lot A

National Integration Ministry - MIN

Final Designs for Implementation of the Integration Project of the São Francisco River with Hydrographic Basins of the Northeast - Lot A, for the Integration Ministry. The adductor system that is the object of Lot A is composed of: 17 segments of channels that are 103.6 km long; 660 m of aqueducts; 2135 m of tunnels; 5 dams; mobile gallery with 376 m of extension and four structures of control of entrance of the channel, besides three pumping stations. The channel was designed with a trapezoidal cross section with a final finished base of 6.0 m, lateral slopes of 1H: 1.5 V and flows of 99 m³ / s and 89 m³ / s.

Sertão de Pernambuco Project

Development Company of Francisco and Parnaíba Valleys - CODEVASF

Integrated Utilization Study of the Water Resources of Sertão de Pernambuco Project, for CODEVASF - São Francisco and Parnaíba Valleys Development Company, with approximately 578 km of canals, four pumping stations, three lift stations, 28 reservoirs, three special waterway crossings, 60 operational control structures, four tunnels, eight aqueducts, 18 inverted siphons and 340 water intakes. The studies were followed by the Basic Design of the Initial Segment and Complementation of the Environmental Studies of the Sertão de Pernambuco Canal, including: the main channel with 51 km of length and driving capacity of 71.3 m³ / s; four compacted soil dams; aqueducts; pumping stations; and a reservoir interconnection tunnel.

Hydroelectric Facility of Belo Monte

Norte Energia S.A.

Dam break (hypothetical rupture) studies, flood map, preparation of the Emergency Action Plan (PAE) and the Safety Plan of Dams of the HPP Belo Monte Complex. The Hydroelectric Power Plant of Belo Monte is being built in the basin of Xingu river, in the roundabouts of the Municipality of Altamira, in the north of the state of Pará; its installed power will be of 11,233 MW, being that the plant area is 516 km². This reservoir is configured by the dams of Belo Monte Site, the dam of Santo Antônio slope and the main dam located in Pimental Site, also having over 28 dikes, totaling 31 dams.

Jaguari Reservoir

Construtora Andrade Gutierrez S.A.

Bidding project for the interconnection works between the Jaguari and Atibainha Dams, located respectively in the Paraíba do Sul Basin and in the Cantareira System Basin, with a view to reducing the systemic risk in supplying the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo and the regions of Campinas and Jundiaí. In addition, the interconnection work will allow reversing of the water in the opposite direction, i.e., from Atibainha dam to Jaguari dam, with flows of up to 12.2 m³/s, in situations of above-normal flows in the Cantareira System. The works consist of a tunnel with 6,130 m in length, two lift stations and an adductor with 13.5 km in length and 2,20 m in diameter.

Várzeas do Tietê Park Program

Department of Water and Electric Energy - DAEE

Development of Complementary Hydraulic Modeling of the Tietê River, in a river stretch located in the Municipalities of São Paulo and Guarulhos, for the Department of Water and Electric Energy - DAEE / SP. The main objective of the study was to execute one-dimensional and two-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations in order to define the conditions of flow in the Tietê river along the existing protective dykes to be implanted. The segment modeled corresponds to an approximate total length of 13,520 m.

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